Week Nine: Some Technical Tweaks

Some small changes could make a big difference

If you’ve followed the last eight weeks of this Bootcamp, you should have seen a significant difference in traffic. If your website was quite bare before, your site should know be full of relevant, unique content. You should have mastered the skill set needed to keep on making your site stand-out long term. But a few minor tweaks could make the difference between good SEO and great SEO.

1 – Internal Linking

You might have noticed that if I mention a topic we discussed in week three, I link back to the relevant page. This process is called internal linking and it’s a key to SEO. Linking to relevant content in your own site lets Google know your site is cohesive, and helps Google understand the topics of each page.

For example, if you have a page talking Black Belts, and every time you mention Black Belts on the rest of your website youlink back to your page on Back Belts, Google knows for sure what that page is about. Black Belts!

Try and do this for all posts and pages you create going forward (don’t link every single word, just relevant topics where the link would offer more information) – and if you have time, go back to your previous posts and add internal linking.

2 – Add a Favicon

This one is a bit of personal pet peeve of mine, but all sites should have a Favicon.

What’s a Favicon you may ask? If you have a modern browser open, you’ll see each website has a little icon next to the title on the tabs bar:

If you don’t have one, you’re just left with this sad little generic page icon:

These icons work best if they’re a dedicated file type, but you can make one here: https://www.favicon-generator.org. Just upload a version of your logo (ideally a .png with a transparent background), click ‘Create Favicon’ and download the result.

To upload this to myMA, simply navigate to Appearance > Customise the click Site Identity & upload your new icon

This is a small factor when Google scans your site, but also helps identifying your brand and makes your site look more polished and professional

Week Nine Wrap Up

I haven’t added added a blog suggestion this week, but hopefully last weeks tips have helped you put together a content plan and you’re looking to publish as often as possible. Don’t forget you can reuse this content in different mediums: Turn a blog post into a video or a Facebook post, always link back to your side, and always have a CLEAR next step for people who want to book a lesson by including a link to your booking page.


Week One: Why SEO? Social Accounts. Google My Business.

Week Two: Analytics, Blogs and Homepage

Week Three: YOAST Plugin, New Blog Post, Directories

Week Four: Link Building and Directories

Week Five: Blogs, Blogs, Blogs!

Week Six: Is Your ‘About Us’ page really selling you?

Week Seven: Making a Landing Page

Week Eight – Can’t Someone Else Do It?

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