New Year New Opportunities

New Year New Opportunities

Now that the ‘January rush’ is getting well underway you will no doubt be getting stuck into your business plans for January. But don’t worry if you didn’t have quite enough time to get your plans finished or in place, it’s not too late!

Small Steps Towards A Big Change

small steps towards a big change

Regardless of whether you have a full business plan in place for January or not, there are always improvements and changes you can (and often need to) make. It’s all about thinking about what you would like to achieve and taking steps towards it, even if these are small steps.

For example, if you want more students for your lessons, you can look to advertise these lessons. This doesn’t have to be anything over the top or expensive, it could be as simple as a few posters in key locations and a Facebook Ad.

Whatever your goal is and however you choose to approach it, making steps towards completing it, however big or small, can make all the difference.

Stand Out In January

stand out in january

We all know January is a time of year where people go fitness mad, as a result we see an awful lot of advertisements for getting into the gym. These adverts cover all the amazing benefits of exercising, how great it can make you feel etc etc… well martial arts can do that too AND MORE!

When it comes to this time of year and the ‘fitness craze’, why not promote the fitness aspect of martial arts. You can of course include all the additional benefits too, such as discipline and making new friends too. Don’t just get fit this January, get fighting fit!… Ok so that might not be the greatest line to use for your marketing, but it might just give you some even better ideas.

Get The Word Out There

get out in the world

I won’t spend too long telling you how important marketing is for your business to get noticed (HINT: it’s very important), but it is something you should be doing. As previously mentioned, make use of the fact that many people are in the mindset for getting fit and wanting to do something new.

We have a wide selection of new January campaign materials you can utilise to help get you started, along with many blogs on Facebook Marketing and Designing Your Materials. These should help you get started, but if you need any additional help with your marketing, give our marketing team a call on 0115 945 5030 or email them on

Keep It Up

keep it up

Once you’ve got the ball rolling with your planning and your marketing… keep it going! January shouldn’t be the only point in the year you should focus on trying to get new students and keep your existing ones. This is something you should be looking to do all year round!
Even though there are other key times of year for martial arts businesses to get the best results from their marketing, such as ‘back to school’, there should always be at least some ‘background’ adverts or promotions running. After all, even 1 new student is better than none.

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