How Automation Can Help Your Business

How Automation Can Help Your Business

I recently learnt that people on average receive around 500 marketing messages every month – and they don’t open or read all of these. So how can you make yours stand out?

Send timely communications

The time of day you send your communications makes all the difference; sending emails at 1am probably won’t have the same open rate as sending at 3pm. Not only that, sending an email that is timely is really important too; for example sending a happy birthday message 5 days after doesn’t have the same impact as sending it on the morning of their birthday.

Send relevant communications

Rather than sending mass emails to everyone in your mailing list in the hope that it will be relevant for some of them, it’s important to send messages that are relevant to where they are in the customer journey. For example, a new student that’s just joined may need encouragement and also that bit of a boost to their confidence to keep them coming back.

Send personalised communications

Just by adding in a person’s name to an email will make them feel that you are talking to them – most consumers will be aware that these are automatically filled but it makes a difference to their experience. Remember that if you are going to personalise emails to make sure that you have the data right – no one likes their name to be spelt incorrectly!

myMA can help….

If you follow the rules above, you’ll more than likely be at your desk all day sending emails! This is why we’ve created myMA Automation. It lets you send communications to people without you manually doing it – saving you time so you can get on with your day knowing that you’ve got your emails going out.

myMA Automation can help with key parts of the customer journey including;

Lead Nurturing

You can now set up automated emails to go out when a new prospect is created in myMA. Here you can send them emails to keep them as ‘warm leads’ to help improve your lead to intro conversion rates. There are also automated emails and texts that go out when someone books through or the NEST Booking Widget on your website.


If you sign a prospect through our electronic Direct Debit system, we’ve also set up some automated communications – so even if they don’t sign up straight away we’ll send them a couple of reminders.

Welcome Journey

Once you’ve set up or converted a student – this first 3 months is one of the most important phases they will go through. That’s why we’ve created a set of automations called the ‘welcome journey’. This is series of emails spans their first 3 months of being a student, so they feel motivated to come back to every lesson and make it past that 3 month drop off.

Student life cycle

To help keep your students engaged and coming back to lessons, it’s important to nurture their student life cycle. Just one way you can do this through myMA is using the Birthday trigger – you can now set up an automated email to go to your students when it’s their birthday. We’ve also created some email templates for you to use to help save you a bit more time.

Some martial arts business owners like to hold birthday parties, so you can also set an email to go out advertising your birthday party package before their birthday.

These are just some of the ways myMA Automations can help your business communicate your prospects and students. Remember that sending automated emails are just one way for you to get in contact with your customers and it shouldn’t replace that personable touch.

If you’d like more information on myMA Automation please email us at or call us on 0115 945 5030.

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