7 ways to send effective text messages

When sending text messages to your students or prospects through myMA, the more creative and relevant, the better response you should get. Here are 7 ways to send effective text messages.

1. Promote
Combine call-to-action words with a promotion or offer

“Save 20% When You Join Today!”

“Redeem Coupon & Save £50 Now!”

2. Be speedy
Combine call-to-action words with urgency

“Only 2 Days Left. Register Now!”

“Subscribe Now! Offer Ending Soon.”

3. Products
Combine call-to-action words with your product or service offering

“Download Our Latest Martial Arts Beginners Guide Now!”

“Buy Focus Pads On Sale Today!”

4. Offer
Want to let people know about a sale or promotion? Try different pricing and discount tactics to find out what makes your audience bite.

Even when you have established what works and what doesn’t, don’t be afraid to keep testing. Consumer behaviour changes and will continue to change, therefore so should your SMS messages.

5. Know your audience
By understanding your demographic you won’t offend.

If you’re sending an SMS to the elderly don’t use modern “text talk”.

6. Link
Are you trying to drive people to your website? Why not think about including a hyperlink in your text, directing the receiver to a webpage.

This is becoming increasingly more popular and is definitely worth testing if your target audience have smart phones. And if you’ve got limited space, try using a link shortening service such as bitly.

7. Timing
Look at the times that you send SMS, whether it’s missed in class, pro shop sale, or a prospect offer etc.

Start identifying success patterns – think about when your customer would like to receive the messages.

As a rule, if you’re sending marketing related texts you should always offer your audience the opportunity to unsubscribe from receiving further messages.

If you have any questions on any of the points mentioned in this blog, please email us at marketing@nestmanagement.co.uk or call us on 0115 945 5030.

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